Stanton Bridge Primary School


Start of the school day Break time Lunchtime End of the school day
08:30am 10:30am

12:00pm Reception, Years 1 and 2
12:10pm Year 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Pupils must be on the playground, lined up ready to enter the building at 8:30am.
Early Years parents should hand over their child(ren) to the staff members via their classroom doors.
Years 1 to 6 pupils should line up at the allocated position on the playground.
Classroom doors will close at 8:30am and thus any pupils arriving after this must be taken to the front office.
Activate will take place 3 times a week at 8:20am for all pupils (and parents!) to participate in before lining up.

Pupils in Years 1 and 2 will be provided with free fruit every day.

Years 3, 4 5 and 6 will receive free fruit twice a week.
Pupils may bring a healthy snack to eat during break time.
Friday is treat day! Pupils may bring a small snack of their choice and the school tuck shop will be open.
Hot meals are cooked on site every day for those pupils wishing to have a school meal and cost just £2.20 per day.
All of our food is halal, and a vegetarian option is always available.
Pupils have full access to a salad bar every day. Parents are welcome to send their child to school with a healthy packed lunch if they prefer.
Sports and exercise activities are available throughout lunchtime as well as reading, drawing and games.
Monday - Thursday school ends at 3:30pm.
On Fridays, school closes at 1pm for Reception to Year 4.
Years 5 and 6 finish at 3:30pm as they take part in one-to-one pupil conferencing.
Pupils can be collected from their classroom door.
If you wish your child to walk home alone, please collect a permission slip from the front office. Should a different adult need to collect your child, please inform the school office and provide them with a password.
Pupils will not be released without a password. Pupils collected after 3:40pm must be collected from the school office.