Stanton Bridge Primary School


At Stanton Bridge primary school, we are determined that every child learns to read, regardless of their background, needs or ability. Our RWI phonics programme closely matches the expectations of the English National Curriculum and Early Years learning goals. We have clear expectations of pupil progress term by term from Nursery to Year 2.  Any child who needs to continue on the RWInc Programme beyond KS1 is supported through additional interventions specific to their needs. The sequence of reading books shows a cumulative progression in phonics knowledge that is matched closely to our phonic programme.
What is Read Write Inc?
Read Write Inc (RWI) is a systematic, phonics literacy programme which helps children to learn to read phonetically and to blend letter sounds to enable them to read, and in time, read fluently. After completing the RWInc programme, children are then supported fully in accessing our wide and varied reading scheme, building on their vocabulary, reading strategies and comprehension skills.
How is Read Write Inc taught?
Children are first introduced to the mnemonic (image) of each letter during RWI sessions in Nursery, where children begin to learn their pure sounds.  By the end of nursery, it is expected that most children know all of their set 1 sounds. The formal teaching of Read Write Inc begins right at the start of Reception. Initially all children are taught Set 1 sounds until after October half term. At this point children are assessed using a one-to-one engaging assessment.  The children are then grouped according to their stage of development. These groups are purposefully small to secure smaller teacher to pupil ratio that is best suited to the way RWInc sessions are taught. Reception children’s learning is further consolidated through carefully planned and engaging activities that they can access independently throughout the day. When children enter Year 1, Read Write Inc is taught daily to pupils alongside phonics interventions and activities to further embed their understanding of sounds. Assessment continues half termly, with all children/pupils being assessed on a one-to-one basis. With our pupils moving quickly through our programme, most move onto Guided Comprehension by the Spring term of Year 2.
What does Read Write Inc cover?
  • learn 44 sounds and the corresponding letters/letter groups using simple picture prompts – see below.
  • learn to read words using Fred talk and sound blending.
  • read from a range of books matched to their phonic group
  • develop comprehension skills in stories by answering 'Find It' and 'Prove It' questions
  • learn to write and form the letters/letter groups which represent the 44 sounds with the help of fun phrases (‘oo’ poo at the zoo)
  • learn to write words by using Fred Talk
  • learn to build sentences by practising sentences out loud before they write
Children work in pairs so that they:
  • answer every question
  • practise every activity with their partner
  • take turns in talking with and reading to each other
  • develop ambitious vocabulary 
What will children learn?
Children are taught to say letter sounds, these are taught using the ‘pure sound’.  The pure sound helps children to blend and read words with ease.
Step 1: The mnemonic (image) for each set 1 letter sound is taught.
Step 2: Set 1 sounds are taught in the following order together with rhymes to help children form the letters correctly and instantly recognize sounds ready for blending. 
Step 3: The children are then taught Set 2 sounds – the long vowels.
Click the link below to watch a video that explains how to say the set 1 and 2 sounds.
Parent video: How to say the Set 1 and Set 2 sounds (Parent video: How to say the sounds - Bing video)
Pupils will also use pictures and rhymes to help recognise the sound and then form the shape of the sound.
Step 4: When children are confident with these sounds, they are then taught the Set 3 sounds. Click the link to listen to how to say the Set 3 sounds. 
Books: Books are introduced alongside the sounds as soon as children can orally blend.  First with Dittys and then more complex books which allow children to practice and embed their sounds.  These stories are read by the children three times.  During the first read, the focus is for every child to use their Fred talk to blend and read accurately.   The second read focuses on reading words accurately and at a faster pace.  The focus of the third read is on reading every word accurately at a faster pace and with a storyteller's voice.
Green Words
Green words are linked to the sounds that children have been learning and are easily decodable by looking for sounds that they know.
A letter sound is marked by a dot and special friends (2 letters, 1 sound) are marked by a line.
Children Fred talk each sound and then blend together to say the whole word.
Red Words
Within all of the book’s children read, they will come across red words, these are words that are not easily decodable using their knowledge of sounds. Learning these words by heart will help children to become speedy readers.
When using their Read Write Inc sounds to spell, children will use ‘Fred fingers’ to first sound out a word before they write it down.
Through this method, children learn how to spell words by applying their prior knowledge of sounds, this method can then be applied to any word that they may find difficult to spell. Children pinch each sound on their fingers before writing it down. 
Click the link below to watch a video on ‘Fred fingers for spelling.
Parent video: Spelling using Fred fingers (Parent video: Spelling - Bing video)
When learning how to form letters correctly within Read Write Inc, children learn a phrase that links to the letter sound to help them form the letter accurately.
Click on the link below to watch a video on handwriting in Read Write Inc. 
Parent video: Handwriting with Read Write Inc (Parent video: Handwriting - Bing video)
How to help at home!
Children will be sent home with Read Write Inc nonsense words (these are not real words, they help children to apply their phonic knowledge) that are aligned with their RWI level.  Please support your child by practicing the sounds and words at home.  Use the strategies in the video’s above when reading with your child at home each night, ask them to show you the sounds and special friends that they recognise.
Useful websites:
Phonics - KS1 English - BBC Bitesize
ictgames || html5 English Games Page (All children have a reading eggs log in and password)
If you would like to find out more about supporting your child, please contact Mrs. Griffin-Stacey through the main office.