Stanton Bridge Primary School


Welcome to Year 6! This is where your child starts the final part of their exciting learning journey at Stanton Bridge. It is an important year in many aspects and we hope, with your support, to make it a memorable one. The teachers who have the pleasure in seeing the children of Year 6 grow and prosper are Miss Cooper, Mrs Harris and Mr Caldwell supported by the teaching assistants Mrs Faleel and Mrs Sheraz.


The children have reached the top of the school and now they are mastering the knowledge and skills they have been taught throughout their time at Stanton Bridge as they prepare for secondary school. As their teachers, it is our intention to prepare all children by increasing and enhancing their independence, responsibilities, leadership skills and academic success. Learning expectations are very high as we prepare to send them off in July, ‘secondary ready’.


Some of the many highlights in year 6 are:

  • We encourage children to reflect on their learning, challenge themselves and make the most of the different opportunities offered in school. One such opportunity is being given more responsibility within the school such as play leaders, house leaders and school councillors.

  • The summer term sees the children working towards their National Assessments (SATs) and honing their examination skills. 

  • The final half term at Stanton Bridge is one of celebration with the children working collaboratively towards a final theatrical performance to share with the school and parents. Children take on all of the roles that a theatre company would have: actors, props teams, lighting and stage management.

  • We also hold a grand Graduation ceremony, where we see the children in a traditional gown and mortarboard, to share with parents and Year 5 pupils.