Stanton Bridge Primary School


Year 3 is an extremely exciting year that is filled with multiple challenges as the pupils begin their Key Stage 2 journey. Year 3 will provide academic challenges that will allow them to successfully grow in confidence as a learner and instil a higher degree of independence. They will be challenged to perform to the best of their ability.

The teachers who will have the joy of seeing pupils develop and succeed are Mrs Sangha and Mrs Begum. The pupils will also be supported by Mrs Griffins.

Over the course of this year, the children have the opportunity to perfect their basic skills that were taught in Key Stage 1 and develop them further, gaining knowledge and understanding of more complex methods and ways of thinking.

Some of the many highlights in year 3 are:

Trips to different culturally stimulating places, which link to the foundation subjects’ topics in each term. For example, during the Geography and Art topic of Globetrotters, the children will visit places in Birmingham city centre to develop their knowledge and understanding of the universe we live in and identify key features.