Stanton Bridge Primary School

Home Help

  • Homework is given out every Friday. Children are expected to practise TTRS online for homework so they become more confident with this when undertaking TTRS tests in Maths lessons. Children must also read their reading books to show fluency, understanding and expression. Can you please ensure you support your children in doing so by listening to them read and by asking comprehension questions to test their understanding.
  • Children are given spellings weekly. Parents must ensure they practise these spellings daily. Children will be tested on their spellings every Friday, therefore must hand in their spelling sheets on this day. 
  • Children’s reading books are changed weekly. It is important, especially at this important stage of reading development, that children are heard and read daily at home. Please ensure that they bring their book into school every day. 
  • Purple Mash logins have been given to children. Children are given extra homework weekly and can complete individual tasks, please allow your child to access a computer or tablet to complete this extra challenge.