Stanton Bridge Primary School


What an exciting year to welcome your children into school and starting their journey in Reception. It is a year full of fun, challenges, captivating topics and following the interests of our children. Leading this journey for your child is the reception teaching staff Miss. Pattni and Miss. Walley. They are supported by Miss. Caratella and Miss. Shingai.

Reception is a very exciting year for not only the children but the whole family as it is the beginning of a new learning journey for your child. While in reception, your child will learn new skills, vocabulary and knowledge to set them up to be successful in their school life and beyond. The learning that takes place in reception is mainly inquiry based with children having a go and finding things out for themselves. This helps to develop children’s confidence and sculpting them into competent learners. Most of the learning planned in reception ensures that children get to experience things first hand. Throughout the year children will be able to try new foods, put their hands to making and baking, learning outside and joining in with singing or acting out stories and shows.