Stanton Bridge Primary School


At Stanton Bridge Primary School, we expose our pupils to books to incite a love and passion for reading. Our curriculum provides pupils with the opportunity to access reading through a range of text types and genres. Educators guide pupils through reading strategies and comprehension, providing a plethora of fiction, non-fiction and poetry so that pupils experience a range of authorial styles, vocabulary and imagery that transports them into other worlds. Using, quality, structured teaching techniques, questioning and well-planned activities, pupils delve deeper into the texts using specific skill sets to develop comprehension.
Reading is the foundational building block that serves to unlock doors to all other subjects and areas of interest. With this in mind, at Stanton Bridge we have integrated both primary and secondary sources of material including use of technology into our school’s curriculum, to fully cater for the needs of all our pupils, making accessibility and equality of opportunity central to all our planning for reading.  We further enrich our pupils love of reading by bringing to life what they read through authors visits, both in person and digitally, whilst equally encouraging aspiring authors to write for pleasure during major events such as World Book Day or National Storytelling Week.
Through our English curriculum and reading for pleasure, we promote and encourage pupils to choose from a range of quality texts including classic, modern and cultural so that by the time they leave Stanton Bridge they have a good knowledge and understanding of the importance of text, its purpose and not to mention the pleasure it can provide. In turn this secures and helps our pupils to pursue their particular likes and interests such as authors' they favour, genres they prefer or specific topics of interest. The end goal being, they leave us literate and with a desire to want to keep reading.
Click the links below to find out more about how reading is taught and promoted at Stanton Bridge.