Stanton Bridge Primary School

Times Tables

It is now an expectation that every child knows, off by heart, up to their 12x12 times tables by the end of year 4. It is essential that you child spends time every day practising through constant revision. All year 4 pupils will take part in a mandatory times tables check, therefore it is essential that they have a secure understanding of times tables and the corresponding division facts.

Please find below a copy of our parental guidance and the times tables and number bonds that need to be learnt:
year 4 times table guidance | PDF NUMBER BONDS | PDF TIMES TABLES | PDF Times table MTP | PDF Timetable Tricks | PDF

At Stanton Bridge, we use Times Tables Rock stars as a platform for pupils to learn and practice their times tables. All children have been given logins to be able to access Times Tables Rock Stars at home. Please ensure that your child is practicing consistently.