Stanton Bridge Primary School

National lockdown

National lockdown

School Closure (National Lockdown)

School is CLOSED to the year groups (Reception to Year 6) from TUESDAY 5TH JANUARY until further guidance from the government.  


There is a temporary closure to Nursery and it will reopen on Monday 1st February.  


All pupils, as stated during the phone calls made to you, YOUR CHILD MUST access remote learning by logging onto and take part in daily lessons with their teacher and support staff.   Any issues with logging in to Showbie, YOU MUST contact the school and ask for help.   The government has stated that all pupils MUST continue their education during lockdown, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to ensure your child(ren) are online for learning, just as you would be responsible for making sure they attend school.  


If you need support with devices to enable your child(ren) to access online learning, please contact the school.  


If you are a key worker and need a place in school from Wednesday 6th January 2021, please book a place by contacting the school by no later than 1pm on Tuesday 5th January 2021.  


Please contact the school via: 
