Stanton Bridge Primary School



Our Vision statement "Crossing the Bridge to Success" reminds everyone in the school community that our search for knowledge and skills has no boundary. Stanton Bridge stands as an example of that success - for work, for life, and future aspirations. Bridging our aspirations and working in partnership with all stakeholders for the sole purpose of brightening our pupils’ future is our function.

With such a view, the team at Stanton Bridge have searched widely and deeply within our own personal feelings of what education in our school aims to achieve. Thus we wish to shape lives that are socially adept, understanding social conventions within a rapidly growing multi-cultural society in which our children play, live and work. We aim for our pupils to flourish in a community that they proudly embrace with understanding, respect, tolerance and even an appreciation of the enrichment such experiences can bring to their own personal lives.

Our educational values, helps us as educators to realise the potential of the following:

‘Schools are one of the most powerful tools we possess to raise the aspirations, confidence and prosperity of communities…with passion and dedication
 talented teachers readily awaken the belief in education as a creator of opportunity’
(Fye 2004, p5)

Therefore, we strive onwards, and demand the very best from our pupil’s, recognising that education equals prosperity and a route out of poverty.

Stanton Bridge is living proof that barriers can and will be overcome; that all things are possible when the right ethic is applied consciously and effectively. Hence, we are relentless in the pursuit of developing a forward thinking school that collaborates and intrinsically connects with both the community and other academic organisations for the benefit of all.

Our common aim is to inspire excellence across, within and beyond the school so that individual goals are met and unique potential realised. In doing so, Stanton Bridge aims to become a role model school, a flagship school, and one that adopts a profoundly positive attitude by demonstrating high expectation and belief in achievement. As such, we envision an organisation that excels at generating success across boundaries, which ultimately will lead to a wider impact on society.