Stanton Bridge Primary School

Staff Wellbeing

Why I work for Stanton Bridge

A survey was conducted in school to identify reasons why staff work at Stanton Bridge. Through the narrative responses, key vocabulary that was common across the staff were collated to create this wordle. The size of the words in the Wordle has a direct correspondence to the frequency a word was noted. 

Summer 2019

During our staff meeting on mental wellbeing towards the end of the year, we discussed things the school is doing to promote children’s wellbeing and staff wellbeing. We came up with the following;

Wellbeing Time

Our school leaders recognise that staff at Stanton Bridge Primary School well-being is important and fundamental to our success.

Staff Wellbeing Celebrations

December 2019

A huge thank you to Wasps and Lear Coroporation for giving some complimentary tickets to some of our staff to the exciting Rugby game of Wasps Vs Harlequins. Mr Cornel and his son thoroughly enjoyed the game.  Many of the staff attended the game with their family just before Christmas. 


July 2019

Our end of term staff visit to Nandos celebrated our achievements over the year and to say goodbye and good luck to those staff members who are moving on to new adventures.